Dr. Ed Ashby & GrizzlyStik

In 2006 we were introduced to Dr. Ed Ashby by the custom bowyer OL Adcock. After our first meeting, we really started diving into Doc's arrow lethality research. Like so many other bowhunters that read Doc's research for the first time - we had an "Aha Moment."




Dr. Ashby with a water buffalo taken with the first Ashby Broadhead prototype in 2007. We had worked together for over a year getting the broadheads ready for the hunting season. The first 12 Ashby heads were completed and FedEx'd (to Australia) just one week before this picture was taken. Building a forged broadhead was a huge risk for GrizzlyStik and it was tense waiting to hear back the first reports from the field. Once we got Doc's preliminary report and this picture - we thought "we might be onto something."



Dr. Ashby's research touched on so many things we already kind of intuitively knew but also explained so many concepts we had never thought of. Since that time, GrizzlyStik has obsessively addressed and built each of Dr. Ashby's top 12 arrow penetration factors into our systems.



Dr. Ed Ashby (center) and the GrizzlyStik team at Dallas Safari Club. This core group envelopes he expertise of over 1,000 big game animals successfully harvested with bow, arrow, and broadhead.



Dr. Ed Ashby has graciously allowed GrizzlyStik to use his name on the Ashby broadhead with one condition. Doc insisted that we make it clear to our customers that he receives no compensation for the use of his name on our broadhead whatsoever.

His goal is to educate the world on what kinds of arrows and broadheads best penetrate big game animals. In addition, he receives no compensation for any of his research but shares the results freely.



Dr. Ashby and Garrett Schlief holding a campfire court after a day of Texas hog removal on Doc's ranch. Doc shows off his impressive charcuterie board of hand-rolled cigars and Wild Turkey Rare Breed.



It has been a passion at GrizzlyStik to educate bowhunters about Dr. Ashby's research and a more ethical way to hunt big game animals. We all owe a great debt to Dr. Ashby for his significant contribution to bowhunting and the guidance for us to manufacture the best bowhunting equipment in the world.


Dr. Ed Ashby&Steven Rinella On MeatEaterPodcast #284 -The Archer's Paradox

Listen to Dr. Ed Ashby and Steven Rinella along with Garrett Schlief, Todd Smith, Corinne Schneider, and Janis Putelis discussing arrow lethality and a lot of other things in episode #284 of the MeatEater podcast.

Topics discussed include snippets of A doctorate in eyeballs; how young bull rhinos will not breed as long as old bulls are holding territory; hunting and eating anything that moved in East Texas; shooting apples off someone's head with a bow and arrow; buying into the compound bow wave; a grain is 1/7,000th of a pound; the cryptocurrency called Bear Grease, trading in eels; resistance quadruples as speed doubles; aiming for the pass-through shot; the importance of dissecting the unsuccessful shot; the Twelve Factors; getting off on kinetic energy and how kinetic energy at impact counts; long points and bleeder blades; the Natal Study and Doc's research leading to South African legalizing bow hunting; skip angle; the Ashby Broadhead.



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