Arrow Test Packs - We Always Recommend Testing First
- Why we recommend you start with a two-arrow test pack
- Charts for arrow spine, arrow weight, and FOC
- Arrow ordering cheat sheet
Test GrizzlyStik Momentum TDT Arrows for your bowhunting success! Check out our test packs below to see which one is best for your upcoming hunts.
*Testing Bonus! Order a dozen or more Momentum TDT arrows within 30 days of your test pack order and we will deduct the base price of your test pack from that order.
If you have technical questions or if you would rather place your order over the phone call us at 888-697-9828.
So Why Test? - Testing is the only way to confirm perfect arrow flight, for you, from your bow, at your lethal distance. Arrows and bows all work about the same. The "X" factor in arrow turning is always going to be the shooter. The charts are a fantastic guideline but the only way to truly dial it in your arrow flight - is to test first.
GrizzlyStik arrows and broadheads are a system - they're designed and built to work together and increase your odds of complete lethal penetration at any angle - even when things go wrong.
GrizzlyStik carbon arrows are the only tip-to-tail tapered arrows on the market. Tapered arrows increase your accuracy, flatten your trajectory, and penetrate better than parallel arrows.
True built-in FOC! GrizzlyStik arrows optimize penetration potential because of their tip to tail taper with built-in FOC (forward of center balance point). The raw shafts have an amazing 5% FOC with no nock and no point!
Our exclusive .001"/inch continuous taper by design offers:
1) Strength Forward - They're the strongest right behind the point - where you need strength the most.
2) Spine Forward - They are stiffest at the front so they recover from the shot faster than parallel arrows and they flex much less at impact - and that means more pile-driving penetration.
3) Weight Forward - Higher FOC (Forward of Center) percentage - which give better trajectory, better downrange grouping, much more resistance to wind drift - and way more penetration potential than a lower FOC can offer.
If you're used to lighter conventional set-ups with total arrow and broadhead weights in the 400-500 grain weight, check out our GrizzlyStik Stock Test Pack.
If you're looking for a true one arrow that can do it all in North America and all African Plains game, then try our Dr. Ed Ashby Big Game Test Pack.
This test pack will show you just how easy it really is to shoot 650-grain arrows. The 650-grain system will work on anything from whitetail deer and hogs to elk, moose, bison, and even brown bear and grizzlies.
For those going for Cape buffalo, Asiatic water buffalo, giraffe, or animals of that size, try the Dr. Ed Ashby® Dangerous Game Test Pack. We recommend the 950-grain system
Our customers have a record of over 2,000+ successful buffalo harvested with the GrizzlyStik 950 system - no other system is even close.
Elephant and Hippo hunters, get the Dr. Ed Ashby® Dangerous Game Test Pack. We recommend the 1250 grain system.
The GrizzlyStik 1250 system has taken more than 100+ elephants now - no other system is even close.
Do the testing, have the confidence that your setup is the best you can get - then go get your trophies with total confidence.
Here's the best part! (Incentive to test) If you order a dozen GrizzlyStik arrows within 30 days of us shipping you your test pack, we will rebate you the cost of your original test pack on that order. Your testing ends up costing you next to nothing.
If you're serious about your bowhunting - set yourself up for success with the GrizzlyStik Momentum TDT System.
Why test GrizzlyStik Arrows? Click Here