Not As Planned

Not As Planned - "I was targeting elk and moose but had this big boar come in to 18 yards in the dark spruce forest I was hunting in. I did not have time to range him and guessed he was 30 yards away.

I only had a frontal shot and could see that my 30 pin was mid chest and my 20 pin was on his head. I released an arrow and heard a CRACK as my Massai found its target. Although not the placement I was looking for, the beast dropped to the ground dying instantly. It sounded like my arrow hit a concrete wall and I was curious what had just happened.

I sat with my binos on the bear for 5 minutes before I caustiously approached. He was stone dead right where I shot him and hadn’t moved a muscle. Upon examination I realized my shot was high and hit him in the skull. I know bear skulls are not bulletproof but they are very very tough. I thought you would be interested in the pictures of what my Grizzlystik broadhead did to a P&Y boar at 18 yards. I was pretty impressed.

The outsert and broadhead are still fully intact and stuck in the skull. The arrow shaft broke off when the bear fell on it but structural integrity appeared to be 100% up until then. When I was building my new arrows, Garrett Schlief was very helpful. Thank you for everything!" - Rob Engel

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