The "Rock" Adventure

“Beyond the tangible, the time spent on the "rock" (Kodiak) was an adventure of a lifetime. Bear hunting is predominantly a stationary game of watching life take place at a distance. An understanding of how those that inhabit this remote region depend the other, and how our human role plays in keeping it balanced and thriving without drastic swings. I do this sport knowing that. Proud to be a part of it and contributing to the survival of this conservative effort, knowing that I as a human am an important part of that balance. To not hunt is the same as a species going extinct. It would have a devastating impact on all other species. I find joy in what I do, but also a deep respect for the life that has been taken. That's the blessing and the curse of our humanity. Over time we have redefined what "civilized" has meant, impacting the health of many species because of that ever-changing definition. Our physiological needs and DNA have not changed with that definition. I love that I can see and be a part of the hunting traditions passed down since our beginnings, and the role I have in playing my part passing it on to future generations so they can enjoy these magnificent creatures with respect and pride in the hard role they play in keeping this cycle healthy. Thank you, Cole Kramer, Jay Beyer and Stig for your friendship, time, and sharing of your knowledge. Forever blessed and changed for the better because of your friendship. Special thanks to my hunting brother Donnie Vincent for our time in the field and your inspirational work and understanding of Who We Are.” – Kiviok Hight

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