Dangerous 7 Bowhunting Professional Hunter

“Dangerous 7 Bowhunting Professional Hunter” – If you’ve not hunted Africa, there is a good chance you have never heard the name Strang Middleton– he’s a dangerous game specialist. It can be argued that over the past 10 years, no other PH that has guided more successful Dangerous 7 bowhunts than Strang.

Based in Zambia, Strang is one of the very few PH’s that can still get archery tags issued for all Big 5 (less rhino) plus hippo and croc. Not only does Strang guide bowhunters but he has successfully bowhunted many of the Dangerous 7 himself. His arrow and broadhead system of choice? GrizzlyStik Momentum TDT arrows tipped with 125 grain Silver Flame XL broadheads.

Hunt with the system the PH’s shoot, shoot GrizzlyStik.

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