GrizzlyStik Customer Turkey Success
Pedro from Chile with several nice Rhea taken with the GrizzlyStik system.
Our friend Bo Duggen just sent us this picture of his Spring turkey killed with an Ashby single bevel broadhead from his Black Widow. According to Bo: " I also have this on film and its neat to see the arrow drawn back with the Ashby head in full view then its just a dead turkey! He went 20rds and died. Thanks!" Bo Duggan, Pewaukee WI
"I'm sending a picture from my last Nebraska Turkey Hunt. My arrows performed flawlessly. My arrows were tipped with 125 gr. Maasai broadheads. The arrows were cut to 28.5 inches and weighted. The arrows weighed 520 gr. The long beard I shot was at 12 yards. I got a clean pass through and the bird traveled 20 yards. Earlier in the day I shot the jake at 12 yards." Roger D Jones
Joey Buchanan is the man! Here are a few pics of him and his latest turkey. Note the folding chair. He hunts on the ground, no blind, a "Run-n-Bow" technique!