2024 Saskatchewan Black Bear

Things just happened to fall into place for me to even go on this trip. A Couple people ended up cancelling and a good friend asked if I would like to go. I said that's a crazy question! Of course I'm going. The drive from home to camp was a long 29 hours. It was good to see country I've never seen before.We got to camp a day early so we decided to do some fishing. I caught my first walleye and sauger in the river. The 1st day of hunting I had several young bears come to the bait. One of them even got a little big for his britches and bluff charged me so I chased him up a tree. The area we were hunting is so remote I believe these bears have rarely if ever seen humans. I saw several bears everyday hunting 3 different baits. On the 4th day it rained almost all day. I sat patiently in my brush blind I had built on the ground. At the very end of the day I could see 2 bears coming my direction from about 100 yards. As they got closer I could tell it was a boar travelling with a sow. They got to about 30 yards from me and the boar went towards the bait. The sow circled behind me. I thought for sure she was gonna mess everything up, but luck was on my side. She just circled and kept a close eye on me. The boar came to bait, but he was quartered to me not giving me a good shot. The sow ended up being what helped me. She approached the bait and the boar jumped at her to run her off. When he did that he presented the perfect broadside shot at 15 yards. I drew and picked my spot. When I reached my anchor points I let loose and the arrow tipped with an OverKill Samurai 200 grain Single Bevel Broadhead zipped through him like it was cutting hot butter. He whirled thinking the sow nipped him, and he went back to feeding at the bait. I knocked another arrow ready to shoot again but he was quartered to me again. After a few seconds he whirls again, takes a couple steps, and falls over 5 feet from the bait. The sow seemed completely unfazed by all the activity and went to bait and began to feed. I drug my bear to where I wanted to take pictures about 20 feet away from the bait. As I was taking pictures the sow came back to the bait and laid down feeding while I finished my pictures.  

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