Early Season Whitetail Report - Overkill Samurai Broadheads
Samurai Field Report: Hey guys, don't know if this is helpful or not, but thought I'd send you a quick performance report.
Range: 30 yards
Height: Ground Level
Arrow: 575gr, ~18% FOC, Easton Axis 4mm
Head: 175gr Banshee Samurai, hand sharpened
Speed: Estimated 250fps, IBO 345
Blood: Immediate and trackable quantity
Wound Path: Entry wound pictured, entered and exited heart (pictured), exited the far leg just above the elbow, cutting into the humerus on the far side, passed through and buried broadhead-deep in the trunk of a tree. No visible wound between body cavity and the foreleg exit wound.
Behavior post-shot: Took two bounds, covering about 7 yards, turned to walk toward treeline. Took another 5-10 steps, stumbling. Stood for ~20 seconds at edge of clearing, faltering and bleeding freely. Stumbled another 10 yards and collapsed. Altogether about 30 yards from the point of impact. I believe if not for cutting the far side humerus, he might not have known he was shot.
Happy with the performance of the broadhead, arrow didn't seem to even slow down despite cutting a chunk out of the far side humerus. Thanks! ~ Ward Huney
- OverKill Samurai 200 Single Bevel BroadheadSpecial Price $44.99 Regular Price $74.99
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