Single Bevel Fixed Blade Broadheads
What is the most important piece of equipment in bowhunting?
For GrizzlyStik the answer is easy.....your broadhead is the most important piece of bowhunting equipment you can select. If the broadhead fails to penetrate, for any reason, - nothing else matters. GrizzlyStik broadheads have an unmatched track record - whether it's the North American or African 29, the GrizzlyStik line of broadheads has compiled more record book success than any contemporary.
What are single bevel broadheads?
Single bevel broadheads are beveled on one side of the blade, preferably at a 25-degree angle, so that the bevel goes all the way through the thickness of the blade until it comes out the other side or bottom. (Think of how a wood chisel is ground. It has one side that is beveled and one side that is flat.) Since there is only one angle, or bevel that is ground with the other side being flat, with no bevel, we call this grind a single-bevel grind.
When making single-bevel broadheads the bevels are ground on opposite sides of the blades so the forces on the bevels complement each other - inducing rotation - as the broadhead is pushed through whatever surface it is flying through whether it is the air or an animal.
In the Ashby reports, the 25-degree bevel on his Grizzly broadheads performed the best, so here at GrizzlyStik, we offer a 25-degree bevel on all of our single bevel broadheads.
The 25 degree bevel is SUPER SHARP. As a matter of fact, GrizzlyStik broadheads shave hair right out of the package.
Our broadheads have been tested by third parties and they have substantiated that claim. As a matter of fact, one source said that our broadheads were the sharpest - right out of the package - that he had ever seen.
Sharper broadheads = Deeper penetration and quick kills.
GrizzlyStik stainless steel single bevel broadheads are considered by many to be the best choice for bowhunting big game available to bowhunters at this time. Manufactured from high-quality stainless steel, they're designed to deliver maximum accuracy, pass-through performance, and bone splitting penetration.
They are available in a range of weights and sizes to ensure your success in all hunting conditions on any big game animals you decide to hunt.
According to the Ashby Reports, single bevel broadheads are more effective at penetrating big game animals than double bevel broadheads. The twisting "rotational effect" created by the single bevel's design helps to create a larger wound channel and ensures an increased cutting of blood vessels during penetration. This results in quicker, more humane kills and increases your chances of success on all your big game animals.
GrizzlyStik single-bevel broadheads are also known for their durability. They are made from high-quality stainless steel to resist any rusting and are designed to stay sharp and intact from entrance wound to exit wound while passing through your animals.
They can also be used over and over again - simply re-sharpen them and you're ready for action again. It definitely will save you money in the long run.
GrizzlyStik stainless steel, single bevel broadheads, are an excellent choice for bowhunting any and all big game. Their superior penetration capabilities, inherent accuracy, and impressive durability make them a popular choice among bowhunters who want to do everything they can to ensure their bowhunting success and put big game animals down - quickly and humanely.
Whether you are a seasoned bowhunter or just getting started, if you're looking to increase your odds of success and want the best likelihood of quick clean kills, give GrizzlyStik single bevel broadheads a try. Then send us your success pictures so we can share your success with other bowhunters around the world.
Check out our arrow/broadhead packages!