Silver Flame® Double Bevel Fixed Blade Broadheads
Double Bevel Broadheads
Double bevel broadheads have been around for thousands of years and are what most people think of when they think of a broadhead.
Double beveled broadheads are ground evenly from both sides of the blade. GrizzlyStik double bevel broadheads are precision ground at 30-degree angles that meet in the center of the blade for hair-shaving sharpness. There aren't many double-bevel broadheads on the market that will shave hair right out of the package, but ours will.
During penetration, double bevel broadheads, because of equal pressures on the bevels, tend to penetrate in a straight line.
And what's the shortest distance between two points? A straight line!
Double bevel broadheads, beveled from each side equally, and meeting in the middle - retain their sharpness well and are less prone to any sort of edge chatter than single-bevel broadheads are.
Tough double beveled broadheads, like the ones we make here at GrizzlyStik, don't have the rotational force that single bevel broadheads do, but our double beveled broadheads, when powered with enough force, can punch directly through bone and into the vitals.
We know that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, and for efficiency of cutting and penetration, a double bevel broadhead is the most efficient edge configuration.
For this reason, folks who are shooting lighter weight bows, and/or are shooting lightweight arrows (we consider arrows less than 500-grains as lightweight arrows) let's say between 500-575 grains, should consider double beveled broadheads because they are met with less resistance during the penetration process.
One thing to think about when deciding between single and double bevel broadheads is bow weight. Now you may have read Dr. Ashby saying: "In my testing, in ALL situations single bevel broadheads out-performed double bevel broadheads."
We are staunch Ashby supporters, but because a single bevel broadhead is forced to rotate during penetration, and because, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, it stands to reason that for light bow shooters, double bevel broadheads have the highest likelihood of giving you complete broadhead penetration on non-bone hits in the heart-lung area. And complete broadhead penetration is really what you want.
You want an entrance and exit wound every time.
All GrizzlyStik double bevel broadheads are hair shaving sharp right out of the package. They're tough, accurate, and proven in the field.
If you're not sure whether you want to go with double bevel broadheads or single bevel broadheads, you really can't make the wrong choice. Go with the ones that sound the best to you and hunt with confidence. As long as they're GrizzlyStik broadheads, and super sharp, you can't go wrong.
In the 1990s, a bowhunter named Marcus Größ from Germany wanted to build a broadhead that matched impact durability with superior edge sharpness and edge retention. Lucky for bowhunters worldwide, Marcus happened to be a metallurgist and a university professor with a deep passion for hunting the Dark Continent. The Silver Flame was born and Marcus started the movement toward building premium broadheads.