Epic Ox

"Epic Ox" - The word 'epic' gets casually thrown around hunting circles and has lost much of the luster the it used to carry. Truly epic adventure hunts - like stalking into a herd of 73 Musk Ox on film - is an example of the cachet the word used to carry. Epic is exactly what Jason Peak got to experience. Surrounded by the largest herd of musk ox his guides had ever seen, Jason was able to tundra stalk (nothing to hide behide bigger than a basketball) himself into position for a shot. At 84 yards, Jason had the confidence to make a broadside shot with the 650 GrizzlyStik system and was rewarded with a double lung, complete pass through on this mature 8+ year old bull. His TDT arrow was never recovered. Now that's our definition of well - Epic!

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