First SCI Hippo

Congratulations to Jim Aken for taking the first Hippo that will be entered in the SCI record books - taken with a crossbow and an Ashby 315 forged single bevel broadhead. "Thank you for the research and the Ashby articles on your website. I read everything on your website including the articles by Dr. Ed Ashby while preparing for this Hippo hunt. Then I built my arrows according to that advice. 1251 grains, total weight, 34.9% FOC, 315 grain Ashby broadhead from For some reason, I thought the hide of a hippo would be soft, I guess that was because they spend nearly all their time in the water. However, nothing could be farther from the truth, the hide of a hippo feels like a truck tire, it is extremely tough and thick. My first arrow went through a rib on the near side and buried into a rib on the far side, piercing both of the lungs. A hippo rib is approximately 3/4 to 1 inch thick. My second shot was a quartering-away shot. It entered behind the ribs on the near side and exited the far side from the shoulder area. In the lower picture, the arrow entered where I am standing and you can see the exit wound just at the water level at the point of the shoulder, for a total travel through the animal of about 5 to 6 feet, penetrating both lungs and taking a major artery off of the top of the heart. Success on this hunt was due to the arrows built in accordance with the research information from ,the extremely powerful and rugged Kodabow "Dangerous Game" crossbow and the Ashby broadheads from The 1251 grain arrows with the Ashby broadhead were absolutely phenomenal! If anyone would like to have a really good big-game arrow, there is a good one laying in the bottom of the Luangwa River in Central Zambia. It is slightly used, since it went completely through a Hippo, but I'm sure you could sharpen the Ashby broadhead and use it again!!" Thanks, Jim Aken

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