Go Bowhunting/Feed the World

**Go Bowhunting/Feed the World** A classic line of attack from anti-hunting crusaders is accusing hunters of wasting animals. In response to big game hunting pictures, it's not uncommon for the snarky - "did you eat that" - statement to pop up. A much better question would be - "how many people did you help feed with that?"
According to Professional Hunter @thorkirchner - "A single hippo can be distributed to 80~100 families in the local area. Each family averages 8 people, so a single hippo can feed up to 800 people! Many will be able to get decent meals out of their portion for 3~5 days." This clean protein was delivered by @daveunger_ shooting an 80# bow matched with a 915 grain arrow and tipped with an Alaskan 315 broadhead. The Alaskan completely passed through both lungs at 28 yards.
The Anti-hunting crowd may have the best intentions but that doesn't stop them from being blatantly racist - don't they want people to eat?

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