Real Conservation

**Real Conservation** Africa was once an island of people inside a sea of animals. Over the past century, that dynamic has completely flipped. Wide-open spaces have shrunk as the demand for more farming and ranching has increased. Wild animals have been pushed into smaller and smaller land areas. These wild game parks and land concessions are crucial to wildlife but they still have a finite carrying capacity (food & water) for the number of animals their habitat can sustain. Too many large animals in a single area lead to the destruction of natural foliage which adversely affects all the wildlife in that area. By hunting older non-breeding animals, hunters make room for younger breeding animals to use the limited natural resources available. This gives the breeding population the opportunity to raise more healthy offspring - perpetuating the species. GrizzlyStik is proud to outfit bowhunters doing their part to help conserve future generations of elephants. For this Zambian safari with PH Strang Middleton, we built our customer a 1250 grain system of footed Momentum TDT arrows tipped with Ashby 315 broadheads. The TDT arrows had a 800 grain "arrow slug" which delivered a bone-crushing 31% FOC.

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