Steve Coale had a fantastic Spanish Ibex hunt - absolutely incredible! One trip, four trophy Ibex, four species, a new bowhunting world record record and a new 'any weapon' world record! His South Eastern Ibex is new SCI #2 with bow and arrow; the Gredos Ibex is SCI #12 with bow and arrow; the Beceite Ibex is new #1 with bow and arrow; and the Ronda Ibex is the new #1 in the world with all methods!!! All were measured by SCI MM, and are batch entries at SCI currently. Steve took all of these Ibex with a 563 grain set-up - The GrizzlyStik 125 grain Samurai broadheads came through again.
After booking this hunt in 2022 at SCI with, outfitter-Wild Hunting Turkey & Asia, finally started hunt 3/20/24. Was supposed to hunt in 2023, but the Country of Turkey did not issue and Bezar hunting permits over pressure from “Greenie’s”. They have had a very steady issue of tags and harvest for[...]
Take a Holiday in Spain - Corey Schaefer of Pelser Bowhunting trusted the GrizzlyStik system to completely pass through this SCI Gold (pending No.13) Becieite Ibex at 31 yards.Corey, who is also a PH in South Africa, was shooting our system of tapered Momentum TDT arrows tipped with our new REDLINE[...]
"Hello my name is Willy Roundhill and I live in New Zealand. I got a GrizzlyStik QN2 about a year ago and have been amazed with it. I've been bow hunting for a little over 2 years and have broken 3 cheapish bows by hunting in hard in New Zealands alpine and tight back country. Since I've had my QN2[...]