Super Goat

Super Goat - "I parked the truck. Grabbed my bino case and bow and jumped into the corn rows and RAN! The wind was fierce because I was high tailing it through the corn and it sounded like an elephant stampede but he didn’t hear me. I needed to cut him off.

I have tried this in corn a lot out here and had never been successful because the corn is usually so thin they see you, but this year we had a ton of rain so the corn was really healthy and concealing.

I got to the edge - out of breath, corn stalks all over me, covered in mud, and bun half off my head. (As you can see here lol) He was half way down the field just taking his time and I realized he was literally right on the edge of the corn so I backup up into it a couple rows and found a shooting lane. I calmed myself down and waited.

The wind died down for a second and then I could hear him walking and eating weeds and grass he was pulling up... so I drew back and held. Then I saw his nose and I closed my eyes, listened for him to take another 2 steps, and I took a breath and opened them. There were his vitals... and I drilled him at 10 yards. Maybe 12 yards. Lol He was close. He took 2-3 steps and stumbled over. HOLY SHIT. I. Was. Pumped. He just fell over right in front of me." - Sierra Langbell

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