World Record Sand Gazelle

World Record Sand Gazelle

**World Record Sand Gazelle** - Sand Gazelle have been hunted in the desert near Al Ain since before the time of Babylon. Fast forward a few thousand years and Mr. Poindexter inked a new SCI number 1 spot by taking this 37 6/8" UAE buck.

After successfully hunting with the 650 GrizzlyStik system on African safari, Mr. Poindexter had no hesitation shooting the same set up on this historical desert hunt. We matched our Momentum TDT arrows tipped with a Maasai 200 broadheads to his 70# bow. The tapered arrows were built to 650 grains total and had a 25% FOC.

The results? A place in history, fresh ink in the record books and a big smile after successfully completing one of the most challenging bowhunts in the world.

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