New World Record Roan - Stan Hansen trusted the GrizzlyStik 650 system to smash the SCI world record Roan by over 4". The total score is a massive 83 4/8 (31 6/8 LH, 9 6/8 LB, 32 2/7 RH, 9 6/8 RB).
Stan tested then selected our 650 system of tapered Momentum TDT arrows tipped with our single bevel Maasai 200 broadheads. His arrows had a 25% FOC and were shot from his 65# bow. Stan was hunting with PH Evan Sloan of Choronga Safaris. Congratulations to both hunters on a once-in-a-lifetime accomplishment!
Congrats to Frank and his amazing African safari success! He was able to take 4 animals with 4 shots while obtaining pass-throughs on each one. Frank was using our GrizzlyStik Samurai 200[...]
Archery Zebra!! First animal down for me zingela_limpoposafaris_sa this was a fun hunt with a quick shot! I had been looking for Cape buffalo that morning and the arrow I had picked was a GrizzlyStik with an Ashby 315 grain broadhead!
Needless to say, it worked perfectly[...]