Shiras Moose Recovery

GrizzlyStik, wanted to share a couple of pics with you - there is a STORY with the Shiras moose though. I took the elk and moose with the GrizzlyStiks and the Samurai heads. I hit the bull in the shoulder. I had minimal penetration, and little blood. We had light blood trail for about 250 yards and he was still traveling with the cow, crossed river and we lost the trail. Honestly thought the bull would not be recovered but I told the guide I'd send him an extra $500 if he found it. He found it the next morning about a 100 yards from where I shot it - The bull evidently came back to the meadow that evening (shot him in the morning) and he died out in the open. The broadhead did get through the shoulder and just kept cutting with only about 4 " of arrow in him. I am convinced if it weren't for the 550 grain arrows and 150 grain 2 blade heads this moose wouldn't have been recovered. The elk - he went 30 yards and tipped over - the way it's supposed to be! Thanks again for your support.

Note: This is a perfect example of how heavier mass weight arrows can help you get through bone that lighter arrows can't. This bowhunter used a 550 grain setup, a full 100 grains less than the 650 grains that the Ashby reports suggest, yet he still recovered an animal that may have otherwise been lost. We recommend that you try to get to the 650 grain mark, but you still have to be able to live with the trajectory.

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