How do I know which GrizzlyStik arrows I should order?

How do I know which GrizzlyStik arrows I should order?

The best way to figure this out for sure is to take advantage of one of our GrizzlyStik Test Packs. When you test two arrows of different spines you will know for sure which one shoots best for you, with you shooting, and from your bow. GrizzlyStik test packs can be found here: GrizzlyStik Arrow Testing


If you'd rather just order arrows based on your particular set-up keep reading...

Choosing the correct spine in an arrow for you and your set-up can be complex. There are many variables and each one is important when selecting the arrow spine you need to shoot.

The most important considerations when selecting the right arrow for your bow are: the draw weight of the bow, the total length of the arrow, and the total point weight of the broadhead and insert. (We call this the point-slug weight.)

Even though we compare our arrows to rifle calibers that’s not how to select the arrow you need. You simply choose the arrow with the spine (stiffness) that will fly best from your bow at your draw length, arrow length, and with a specific point weight.

For example, the GrizzlyStik 240 is called the .375 H&H of bowhunting because most bowhunters are shooting them out of 65# – 75# compounds. When you combine the power of those bows with the GrizzlyStik Momentum 240 weighted to the optimum weight for the game you’re hunting, it can take almost any big game animal on the planet.


Arrow selection depends on bow weight, total arrow length, arrow weight, and point weight – The basic arrow selection guide is shown below. For more info go to our arrow spine/FOC chart:

GrizzlyStik Momentum TDT 170 arrows: Bow Weight = 70# - 100#+

GrizzlyStik Momentum TDT 240 arrows: Bow Weight = 60# - 80#

GrizzlyStik Momentum TDT 320 arrows: Bow Weight = 50# - 70#

GrizzlyStik Momentum TDT 400 arrows: Bow Weight = 40# - 60#


Many things affect the way arrows fly from a given bow. The longer they are, the more they paradox when shot, the shorter they are the less they paradox. Arrows are not magical projectiles that leap from a bow flying perfectly to the target every time. They are, however, projectiles and they will react to the shot consistently time and time again - you simply need to have the proper arrows matched to the bow and the bow adjusted to the arrows.

Many people looking for arrows just want to be told what is going to work for them. They do not care or do not have time to test for themselves. That's OK, but the ONLY way to know for sure if a particular arrow is going to fly from your specific bow - with you shooting it, is to test it yourself.

Anyone can guess what will fly well from your bow. If you want us to, we will give you our best guess at what will fly out of your bow for you - BUT, and this is the important part, - The more of the following information you can provide us with the more educated that guess will be. Meaning, the higher the odds are that the arrows you order will fly well from your bow with the least number of adjustments to your bow.

Note: Since our arrows are tapered you almost always need to raise your nocking point slightly.

Always the best strategy is to test for yourself.


However - If you prefer to have us suggest an arrow for you to start with, that's fine. For the best results please have all the answers to the following questions ready before you call.

• What kind of bow are you shooting? (Compound, Recurve, Longbow)

• What is your draw length?

• What is the bow's draw weight - at your draw length?

• What arrow length are you shooting now?

• What is the spine of the arrows you are shooting now?

• What point weight are you shooting now?

• What point weight do you want to shoot?

• Are you targeting a particular total arrow and point weight?

• What animals are you planning to hunt with these arrows?


Our Tech Support Phone Number is: 1-541-639-3750


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