A Story From SCI

A Story From SCI - "After booking a water buffalo hunt to Argentina in early 2017, my next stop was the local bow shop I have used for years to find out the best arrow and broadhead setup for the hunt since up until recently archery hunting buffalo was nowhere on my radar. I was told that the best setup was a tiny diameter, 300 spine arrow with a 4 blade broadhead that all in would weigh 540 grains; having used much lighter arrows ever since I got into archery I thought that these seemed really heavy and ought to do the trick quite nicely.At the 2018 SCI Expo I, by chance, met Neil Summers of Bowhunting Safari Consultants and quickly was told that my arrow setup was all wrong. He explained to me that my overall arrow weight far too low and I most definitely needed a 2 blade single bevel broadhead since I needed to be able to split through the ribs of any buffalo standing broadside.Given that I was 29 days from departing for my hunt I was horrified to say the least so I brushed him off as an old time bowhunter that didn’t know much about new arrows. I saw that Grizzlystik had a booth at the show so I wandered over and hoped that I would hear a different story - but of course they echoed Neil exactly. I still wasn’t convinced though, because everyone thinks the product they’re selling is the best. Finally I asked my outfitter and he told me the same thing! Even after I had asked him for suggestions on arrow and broadhead selection many months before.After asking around to everyone I could talk to about the best arrows and broadheads for buffalo, the name GrizzlyStik kept coming up - so back to their booth I went. I initially purchased a 950 gr test pack with a 170 spine and 240 spine arrows and a 315 grain single bevel broadhead. I told the guys what a tight spot I was in and they simply told me that I was at the head of their build line and they would have my test pack in the mail within 2 business days. After shooting both arrows extensively for 2 days and testing every way I could think of I made a selection and they had the arrows to me early the next week.Our hunt was for free range buffalo in the La Pampa province. Where we were to hunt was semi dense, dry forest with only 2 water sources for several miles in any direction. In the course of 5 days we walked nearly 60 miles, made at least 2 stalks on buffalo every day, and got within bow range of buffalo many of those stalks. However, the buffalo were in herds of 20 – 50 animals and getting a clear shot at a mature bull was anything but easy.On the 7th evening we heard a group of buffalo moving toward water and after rushing to get ahead of them we set up in an ambush spot behind a dead tree 22 yard from the water’s edge. My guide and I stayed low, completely out of site of the buffalo until we heard the buffalo splashing in the water. At that moment, my guide peeked his head out and told me the only bull in the group was on the far left.I drew my bow as I raised from behind the tree only to find the bull facing directly at me with his head down. I stayed motionless at full draw until he moved his head far to the side. I shot the arrow into the front of his chest from 36 yards away. The group all bolted out of the water, but my bull only went about 75 yards and was down in less than 5 minutes. When we got up on him, he was still breathing so I shot him a second time with him in a quartering away position and I finally had my bull. It was an exhilarating experience! I’m so glad that Neil at Bowhunting Safari Consultants, my outfitter, and the guys at GrizzlyStik convinced me to shoot the heavier arrows and those bone splitting single bevel broadheads. I got my bull and I couldn’t be happier." ~ Josh Matheson

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