Youth Light Poundage Bow Hunting Success

Our good friend Santiago Rossi keeps us in the loop with the success his clients have with the GrizzlyStik Arrow/Broadhead system. Here is an excerpt from a recent email: These last few days I have been guiding 2 kids, Emily (11) and Justin (13). Both bow hunting with 40 pounds... They came with really light carbon arrows with 100 grain tips. I told their dad that we had low chances of getting good penetration with those setups and after wounding a ram because of lack of penetration the first afternoon - I made them switch to some OverKill Samurai 150 grain Single Bevel Broadheads I had here. Now we are getting pass troughs pretty much every shot!! They're having a blast on rams and goats using the same broadheads again and again! Will keep in touch. Cheers, Santi. We need to keep reminding people that the GrizzlyStik arrow and broadhead system is really beneficial for bow hunters shooting lightweight bows!

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