Bowhunting deer with a Dr Ed Ashby High FOC Arrow & Broadhead System

Bowhunting deer with a Dr Ed Ashby High FOC Arrow & Broadhead System

Looking for a more ethical, lethal, enjoyable, and successful way to bowhunt deer?

Whether you're hunting whitetails, mule deer, or any other deer sized animals, hunting them with a penetration enhanced GrizzlyStik arrow and broadhead build is going to open up more shot angles and turn what used to be a wounding shot into a deadly lethal shot. That means more animals killed quickly and ethically, and putting them down fast.  If taking shots on whitetail deer from any angle sounds good to you. If blowing through bone and still getting to the vitals is what you're after, then keep reading.

Whatetail taken with GrizzlyStik arrows and broadheads

It may sound too good to be true, but we have a proven track record of changing the way bowhunters think about shot placement and arrow/broadhead performance on whitetail deer. Once you go for it and hunt with one of these builds - you'll see firsthand the amazing results, you'll join the ranks of the fastest growing trend in bowhunting lethality and success. Once you see for yourself how deadly these heavier, high FOC (Forward Of Center) builds are, there's no turning back.  Once you've taken a shot with your new build, and your heart sinks because you didn't put the arrow where you meant to, but you blow through a shoulder blade and see your animal go down within sight, you'll be a true believer.

You can't beat the FOC and penetration potential of GrizzlyStik full-length tapered arrows tipped with our razor sharp single-bevel and double-bevel cut-on-contact broadheads.

Our GrizzlyStik builds of Momentum TDT tapered carbon arrows paired with our deadly cut on contact broadheads were developed over the course of a decade of passionately developing and refining their arrow & broadhead systems following Dr. Ashby's Top 12 arrow penetration factors. We have been completely dedicated to manufacturing the best possible arrows and broadheads to eliminate as much as possible the wounding and loss of big game animals.

Whitetail buck taken with GrizzlyStik 650-grain build

Our Dr. Ed Ashby 650-grain Big Game Animal Package is devastating on whitetails. This well proven build has taken whitetail deer from all angles. There's not one bone on a whitetail that this build hasn't blown right through. The 650-build is not only amazing on deer but on nearly any big game. Bowhunters have even taken Cape Buffalo with this build. If you can put down a Cape buffalo with these builds, it stands to reason that a whitetail is going to be no match for the penetration power and the bone-splitting ability of the Dr. Ed Ashby 650-grain Big Game Animal build by GrizzlyStik. The 650-grain build still gives you a fairly flat trajectory. A 70# bow can generally still have a 70-yard pin. 


When you buy our entire system or arrows and broadheads in one of our packages you SAVE 20%. The price is already discounted by 20% because you're buying both our arrows and our broadheads.


For bows 35# - 59# - we recommend the GrizzlyStik Samurai 200-grain broadheads or our OverKill Samurai 200-grain broadheads. (GrizzlyStik broadheads are manufactured with 440C stainless steel while our OverKill broadheads are manufactured from AUS-4 Stainless steel.)  

For bows 60# - 100+# - we recommend our GrizzlyStik Maasai 200-grain broadheads or our OverKill Maasai 200-grain broadheads. (GrizzlyStik broadheads are manufactured with 440C stainless steel while our OverKill broadheads are manufactured from AUS-4 Stainless steel.)

Deer taken with GrizzlyStik 575-grain build

Our 575-grain Ultimate Whitetail Package is still a heavy hitter, but it's lighter than the 650-grain build - so it gives you a flatter trajectory and a longer shot opportunity. For instance, a 70# bow can normally still have an 80-yard pin and a flatter overall trajectory than a 650-grain build. If you're not quite comfortable with the idea of a 650-grain build, try our 575-grain Whitetail Package.


For all bow weights - we recommend the OverKill Silver Flame 125 XL broadheads. They're a full 1.5" wide and are well known for really big wound channels, putting a lot of blood on the ground, and for quick clean kills.

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